I'm a big ol' nerd, and I want to effuse that nerdiness for the rest of my life. I spend as much time as I can drawing and playing video games, and I've taken that to the career level now since I'm back in school to be a game designer.
I'm the mom to three puppies and a fat kitty, and the wife to a fellow nerd.
This is post 1 of 4 in the series “Election 2016” Vote for President of the North Pacific Democratic Confederation this November 8th. Candidates you...More
This is post 1 of 4 in the series “Bad movies” Principally Uncertain’s experiment in cinematic masochism. Bad movie crashes and burns: The beginning of...More
By: Ashley RivasWhat the heck is cosplay? Perhaps you’ve been walking around the downtown area of some city and, suddenly, seen someone dressed in what...More